Open the cabinet, more than three bags of leather that use them at different times if you go to work, maybe a bag of their choice. If you pay a visit to one of his friends on weekends, a simple bag design that suits you, but if you are attending a party night, a little, but with a clutch bag paillette can help you make a deep impression on assistance to the different leather bags has a different use, if used correctly, can. receives an unimaginable result. Everything is in the situation in which they have, but if you do not have a will and intention of buying one, you should familiarize yourself with the features and learn to distinguish.
There are many types of leather handbags in the market, some of them are fascinating enough that it can stimulate the desire for consumer spending. See the world in the leather industry, leather, includes skin, raw hide leather and man. We all know that the skin is divided into many classes, as ostrich leather, crocodile, alligator, lizard, snakeskin, bullfrog skin, shark skin, the skin of cod, eel skin, and so on. But the key point is that we know how to distinguish them before deciding to buy one.
Early identification, review the material at first, to determine the category of leather uppers and leather briefcases distinguish. As the use of "skin" layer of grain without exception, has an original natural features on the surface of the skin. The pores of the skin of cows are very small, irregular, but steady, goat skin hole rows was "shingles", lots of pigs of three holes, showing the distribution of good character, yellow leather, the organization of the fiber is meticulous, buffalo skin is rough, pores are large. Surface modification of grain lost original features should be based on processing technology, identifies more closely.
Aniline leather is called painted by aniline, the character is a glass surface of the light, dull, no feeling plastic. Mature man leather leather cowhide, is generally 5 ~ 6 mm thick layer, the surface grain, fibrous tissue in close detail, good looks, strength, good wear resistance, the inner layer is a layer suede, thick fibers, by far the villous surface. By distinguishing the skin texture and corrected grain leather should be more careful, corrected grain leather destroyed the surface of the original grain leather, and pressure patterns that float on the surface of the skin pores, but beware exist in grain leather, careful observation can identify.
Man-made leather skin is painted with organic material in the substrate layer of material, divided into two types, thick and thin. Fake fur is used to remove the organic fiber, with the laminated layer flowers. Recycled leather is the residue of skin, leather fiber mill, high pressure bonded with adhesives to form a sheet, then cut by the machine with the thickness of the needs, then the painting, which has a leather features a large number that is used in the luggage.